Interview with Author Robert Ellis

Robert Ellis in an interview for Marina Costa’s shipload of thoughts

Do you ever wander around cemeteries, read the inscriptions on strangers’ headstones, and wonder what their lives were like, how they died, what families they left behind?

I like seeing the very old dates in old English graveyards.  I really don’t wonder about these people’s lives or how they died. To me, it is more interesting that they just “were.”

Do you know where your ancestors are buried?

My parents are buried in a cemetery at the foot of the modernistic Skyway Bridge in Tampa, Florida (USA). They share a single headstone, engraved “Together forever.”

What gives you the creeps?

Watching a sick or old person expire in front of my eyes. Their breathing slows down, then just stops, and you realize it isn’t going to start up again – ever.

Have you ever seen a ghost?

Absolutely, positively, definitively, do not believe in ghosts. And yes, I have seen one!

What’s are your favourite short story? By whom, and why do you love it?

The best horror short story I have ever read is Steven King’s  “Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut.” He manages to work in so many themes, including the Maine back country, the difference between Mainers and “outa-staters,” aging within a marriage, aging alone, and good old undying lust. All this in a totally original, scary tale. Just warning you, be careful how you fold a map, and never remove the critters from the grille of a car without wearing gloves!

What do you personally, as a reader, like about anthologies?

I love anthologies of short stories. I only write short fiction, and the chance to discover a new voice or a twist on a tale that I hadn’t ever thought of is wonderful. It inspires me to put finger to keyboard and start something new right away.

Where do you find inspiration for your writing?

I find inspiration in two main areas. One is location. For example, a reviewer once said that the city of New Orleans (USA) was just another character in my story. I think they were saying that the French Quarter had a physicality and a personality equivalent to the humans in my story.

The other is in older males acting inappropriately out of lust and a “seven-year itch” type of situation. Don’t worry, they are always punished appropriately; how could they not be?

How do you go about research for the fiction you write?

I don’t write what I know, I write about where I am/ have been, and about people who are foolishly like myself. So, I don’t really research; instead, I look outside at location and inside at misbegotten motives.

Thank you, Rayne, for facilitating the interview!


Bob Ellis, a retired financial services exec, has lived and worked on three continents and swum in all the oceans of the world. Now living in Florida, he writes quirky short fiction.


Among the Headstones: Creepy Tales from the Graveyard edited by Rayne Hall, presents twenty-seven of the finest – and creepiest – graveyard tales with stories by established writers, classic authors and fresh voices.

Here you’ll find Gothic ghost stories by Robert Ellis, Lee Murray, Greg Chapman, Morgan Pryce, Rayne Hall, Guy de Maupassant, Myk Pilgrim, Zachary Ashford, Amelia Edwards, Nina Wibowo, Krystal Garrett, Tylluan Penry, Ambrose Bierce, Cinderella Lo, Nikki Tait, Arthur Conan Doyle, Priscilla Bettis, Kyla Ward, Edgar Allan Poe, Paul D Dail, Cameron Trost, Pamela Turner, William Meikle and Lord Dunsany who thrill with their eerie, macabre and sometimes quirky visions.

You’ll visit graveyards in Britain, Indonesia, Russia, China, Italy, Bulgaria, Thailand, USA, Australia, South Africa and Japan, and you can marvel at the burial customs of other cultures.

Now let’s open the gate – can you hear it creak on its hinges? – and enter the realm of the dead. Listen to the wind rustling the yew, the grating of footsteps on gravel, the hoo-hoo-hoo of the collared dove. Run your fingers across the tombstones to feel their lichen-rough sandstone or smooth cool marble. Inhale the scents of decaying lilies and freshly dug earth.

But be careful. Someone may be watching your every movement… They may be right behind you.

Purchase Link:

The ebook is available for pre-order from Amazon at the special offer price of 99 cents until 31 January 2022. (After that date, the price will go up.)  A paperback will follow.

Lunea Curată (Η Καθαρά Δευτέρα)

Iubim Grecia

Cultura tradițională elenă a consacrat Lunea Curată ca unul din cele mai importante evenimente religioase și sociale ale primăverii, o infuziune de elemente creștine și precreștine, păstrate în memoria colectivă din vremuri imemoriale.

Sursa foto:

Ziua marchează începutul Postului Paștilor, cel mai aspru și lung post al întregului an bisericesc. De acum, după veselia și abundența gastronomică a Carnavalului, oamenii se vor ”curăți” timp de 48 de zile de toate gândurile și obiceiurile rele, pentru a se pregăti așa cum se cuvine pentru sărbătoarea Învierii Domnului. ”Lunea Curată” este începutul unui exercițiu susținut de voință și credință, întreaga natură intrând într-un proces de purificare și renaștere. În această zi, ”curățirea” se face atât în exteriorul, cât și în interiorul ființei umane. Azi gospodinele din Grecia curăță foarte bine cu leșie toate oalele în care au preparat mâncărurile ”de dulce” pentru a putea să gătească mai apoi mâncărurile de post…

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Poet brailean, din cartierul Pisc, cartier cunoscut cititorilor romanelor mele ECHIPAJUL si A DOUA CURSA.

Traducerea in romana a versurilor e dupa originalul in rusa. Scroll cu rabdare!



Ерофей Иванов родился 10 октября 1939 г в Румынии в липованском селении Хутор , который раскинулся вдоль высокого берега реки Дуная .Детство и отрочество прошло на Хуторе в старообрядческой крестьянской семье После школы обучался в Бухаресте лицее №32 , в 1966 г закончил факультет славянских языков Бухарестского университета , отделение русского и румынского языков .Всю свою жизнь проработал в школе .Он писал на русском языке, кргда многие писали на румынском . Ушел из жизни в 2007 году ”



С Дона , Севера , Кубани ,
С давних смутных тех времен
Староверы – христиане
Уходили за кордон .

Дом родной , родные дали ,
И российские края
Оставляли , покидали,
От расправы уходя .

Веря в силу непростую
Древнерусского креста ,
Покидали Русь святую ,
Славя Господа Христа .

За подводами подводы
Шли , скрываясь за холмом ,
Призрак веры и свободы
Ждал их там за рубежом .

Незнакомые просторы

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Recenzie-A doua cursa

Inca o adolescenta care se bucura de cartile mele. Multumesc, Panda!

Panda Stories

Marina Costa este printre primii autori români pe care i-am descoperit și mi-au adus bucuria de a citi o carte scrisă cu sufletul.

În cartea “A doua cursă”, continuarea lecturii “Echipajul”, autoarea pune accentul pe evoluția lui Serghei, ce încearcă să își refacă viața după mulți ani de suferință din dragoste.

Acesta se îndrăgostește fără să vrea de o femeie frumoasă și văduvă, o prietenă bună, o femeie cu suflet mare și cu studii.

Aceasta îl încurajează să își găsească pe cineva, ajungând chiar ea să fie iubita lui: “Nu esti atât de bătrân cât îți place ție să crezi. Alege pe cineva cu care să te înțelegi, nu care să-ți placă numai să fii invidiat pe stradă.”

Marina Costa evidențiază portretul fizic al Alionei: “era bine făcută, proporțională..”

Pe parcurs, cei doi îndrăgostiți trăiesc o frumoasă poveste de dragoste, atât la distanță cât și împreună.

Mi-a plăcut foarte tare…

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Viking Ulfberht Swords

Interesting how ahead of their times they were…

Nicholas C. Rossis

Viking sword | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's book

When we think of Vikings, our minds don’t normally conjure a picture of a miner. So where did the Vikings (and others) get the iron ore to forge their tools and weapons?

As Mats Andersson says on Quora, they literally fished it out of bogs.

Bog Iron

As Wikipedia explains, Europeans developed iron smelting from bog iron during the Pre-Roman Iron Age of the 5th/4th–1st centuries BCE, and most iron of the Viking era (late first millennium CE) came from bog iron.

A lot of Scandinavia is bogland. The acidic conditions make iron settle on the bottom of the bog, in big lumps.

Humans can process bog iron with limited technology, since it does not have to be molten to remove many impurities. All you need is wood for charcoal, clay for the construction of bloomery furnaces, and water for processing.

Due to its easy accessibility and reducibility, bog iron…

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Hobby-urile Autorilor Români Contemporani! Partea II

Din viata autorilor romani… Multumesc pentru nominalizare, Cristina!

Vorbe pentru suflet...

Scriitorii, pe lângă faptul că sunt scriitori au o mulțime de îndeletniciri și înclinații spre a reda frumosul. Astăzi mi-am propus să aduc în atenția cititorilor mei un articol menit să scoată în față autorul român contemporan cu toate “bijuteriile” cu care se înconjoară prin muncă proprie sau prin felul său individual de a colecționa sau învăța ceva nou. Vă destăinui faptul că am fost încântată să aflu de la fiecare în parte detalii necunoscute, parcă aș fi deschis o cutie a dezvăluirilor! Sper că o să împărtășiți cu mine acest entuziasm!

  • Elena Druță autoarea cărții „Împărăția Ultimului Cerb” adoră să brodeze pe lângă citit și scris desigur. Să facă recenzii video la cărțile citite. Îi place și jocurile video, joacă World of Warcraft aproape zilnic!
  • Roxana Rusu, autoarea unor serii de cărți pentru copii adoră pictura și lectura. Aceste două pasiuni după spusele scriitoarei o relaxează cel mai mult…

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France Is Bacon

I found it funny. So, reblogging. As a child, there were words I misunderstood too…

Nicholas C. Rossis

I saw this today and just had to share. It’s a story that first appeared on Reddit courtesy of a user called Lard_Baron. Or should that be Lard_Bacon?

Anyway, the story goes like this…

Knowledge Is Power

When I was young my father said to me: “Knowledge is Power… Francis Bacon”

I understood it as “Knowledge is power, France is Bacon.”

France Is Bacon | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's bookFrance is bacon clothing | Zazzle. Image Source:

For more than a decade I wondered over the meaning of the second part and what was the surreal linkage between the two?

If I said the quote to someone, “Knowledge is power, France is Bacon” they nodded knowingly. Or someone might say, “Knowledge is power” and I’d finish the quote “France is Bacon” and they wouldn’t look at me like I’d said something very odd but thoughtfully agree.

I did ask a teacher what did “Knowledge is power, France…

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The Secret of Writing a Biography

Very interesting and useful.

Author Linda Weaver Clarke

Have you considered writing a biography of your parents, grandparents, or your own life story? Whether you’re writing a story about a loved one or your own autobiography, you want to make the story intriguing for your readers. But it seems overwhelming to you. Right?

If you have an interesting character to write about, an inspiring story to tell, and an intriguing incident to describe… perhaps writing their experiences as short stories would be easier for you. Each chapter could be a short story. Creating a short story for each chapter might be easier than beginning at birth and listing one thing after another chronologically. I have a few tips to help you.

What is the main focus of your story? You may want your readers to

1. Cheer for someone

2. Weep for someone

3. Laugh at a humorous experience

Beginning your story can be difficult. Sometimes starting with…

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